FINDER is a manufacturing and trading enterprise, which sells all kinds of tools including but not limited to power tools, hand tools, welding machines, pressure washers, garden tools, construction equipment and much more. to Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa etc. Our brand “FINDER” was registered in more than 100 countries, and enjoys good reputation in many countries. And it is already considered a big brand in china’s local market.
  • Finder is looking forward to provide splendid trading service to all its customers, also to increase our competitive advantage, we also established an import and export company in 2013 that carries out trading business, clearing customs, and to cut the storage cost for customers. So that customers can really enjoy the "procurement - shipment" one-stop services that we provide.

  • We have faith and honesty as our base value, and aspire for excellent quality and good service, FINDER want to let the world know more about YIWU!

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